It’s one of the most dreaded sounds in all of human existence: the sound your car makes when it won’t start. How do you know though if it’s your battery or the alternator? Main Street Automotive presents these tips for discovering the difference.

Let’s talk battery
First, you should think about how old the battery is in your car. If you’ve never replaced it since buying your car and it’s about 4 or 5 years old now, it’s most likely the culprit. Batteries aren’t very expensive to replace, which is very good news. The battery is what bring the power to start your car and gets the electrical system running. But as it ages, the ability to retain a charge begins to fade away, which results in a fail to start.
The way to know is to look at your dashboard battery gauge. With the key in the ignition and turned without starting, does it illuminate? If the light looks dim, it’s probably the battery. You can also try using your wipers, lights, or automatic windows. If the car still won’t start, you can get it jump started. Let it run a bit and then turn off your car. If it won’t restart, it’s a sign that the battery is definitely in need of replacement because it won’t retain the charge. Bring it on in and we’ll fix it.
What about the alternator?
If, however, your battery is working, you should consider that the alternator is to blame. Here are 4 ways to tell if it’s the problem:
- Let the car run and look at the intensity of brightness for your interior lights. If the dashboard starts to dim gradually, it’s a sign the alternator is problematic.
- Look at your headlights. When accelerating, do they become brighter but then dim down as you decelerate on your approach to a red light? If so, that’s another sign you need a new alternator.
- Hear anything strange? If you head a type of growling sound prior to all this trouble, it was your alternator trying to tell you something.
- Smell anything funny? If you smell burning, like with rubber or wires, chances are it’s that alternator of yours.
Whatever you do, don’t run the engine while the negative battery cable is disconnected. This can damage your electrical system and lead to bigger problems for your vehicle. At Main Street Automotive, we’ll help you replace your battery or alternator and get you back on the road again fast. We treat you like family too, so we won’t overcharge you for our services. If you notice any of these problems, come on in and let us help you!
Should you wait until your battery fails?
A poor battery is often the root cause of killing your alternator and this forces a MORE EXPENSIVE alternator replacement.
A battery with a short in it OR not charging fully will cause the alternator to run at full output for extended periods of time, if not continuously, and they are not built to do this. Alternators are built to supply an initial high current, tapering back as the current used to start the vehicle is replenished. Constant running at full output simply overheats them and the rectifiers fail. So if your battery has a 3 year warranty you should replace it at 36 months and not wait until it dies. Put a reminder in your phone, this will help.
What other tips or comments do you have to help people diagnose this problem in Crestview, FL?
Of course, if you’re in need of preventative maintenance or serious repairs and you’re in or around Crestview, FL, you know where to go. Come to see us today at Main Street Automotive for all your automotive needs or call us at 850-689-1728!!